We’ve Moved!

Here’s a screenshot from the new, improved TRAVIS website.

Hey guys,

If you’re still reading this, we’ve moved.  Well kinda.  If you’re reading this, our new page is http://thecircuit.ca/.

Thanks for all of the TRAVIS love over the years. It truly means a lot.


Your lovers,

The TRAVIS team

You Can’t Make A Viral Video: The Jennifer Aniston Sex Tape

You can’t make one.  It’s like trying to be ‘cool’, if you try, you just aren’t.  Viral videos go viral because they’re genuine, funny (often unintentionally), and they’re not thinly veiled advertisements.

However, ad agencies everywhere seem to fleece corporations out of millions if not billions of dollars each year producing ‘viral videos’, which in the long run are just three-minute commercials that cheapen the celebrities that appear in them and contribute to the growing amount of post-viral garbage that collects on Youtube.

Smartwater released this tired attempt:

Ultimately it takes a bunch of has-been viral video stars and whores them out for overpriced luxury water.  Which isn’t particularly viral when you think about it.

Personally, the only funny part is when they all agree to call the video the Jennifer Aniston Sex Tape, because I’m sure if they did it would have worked.  See, that’s viral video thinking right there.  Pique people’s interest and then give them the ol’ switcheroo.  It’s like getting Rick-Rolled, but instead of getting a good laugh that you fell for it, you just feel empty and kind of dirty.

A viral video is born, not made.  And if you read this because it said “Jennifer Aniston Sex Tape” shame on you for falling for it. Here’s something for you regardless.

– Bryan

Sheridan Fashion… Waita – Marketing

– Steph Martyniuk

Charge of The Light Brigade Release The Defiant Ones

The vision of Charge of the Light Brigade is truly a focused one. Even the most reluctant of listeners will agree; with The Defiant Ones, this is a band that certainly cannot be stopped.

The debut LP from Charge of the Light Brigade combines intense, punk-influenced melodies with an irresistible pop sensibility yet there are no tracks that pander; instead, this collection of thirteen tracks has a vision that will leave listeners helpless.

Guitarist/songwriter Luke Sneyd has long been a fixture on the Toronto scene, originally as the guitarist for electro-rock act Mountain Mama.  Two solo releases included an early demo of his track ‘The Prisoner’ that was a finalist in the Unisong International Songwriting Contest, and the video won him a Top 5 spot in the Great Canadian Band Challenge, competing for a deal with Universal Canada.   And now, with new songs and new collaborators, The Defiant Ones is an honest and earnest culmination of five years of work.

Strong themes of doomed heroism and the terminal tick of relationships gone awry abound here.  They’re heard in the resilient sprawl of ‘Fastest of The Losers’, the furious early 90’s punk stomp of ‘Charge!!’ and finally, a moody but ultimately fulfilling cover of ‘Atlantic City,’ which serves as the album’s closer.  Each track drives its way into your subconscious with alarming and altogether defiant grace.  It’s an honest approach that fuels the entire record.  Candid emotions are abundant in every song.

Charge of the Light Brigade is a collaboration between songwriter Luke Sneyd and producer Marc Koecher, with bassist Jason Eagan (Clockwise, Ryan Luchuck), and drummers Zack Mykula (Bella Clava, Inhumanoids) and Owen Tennyson (Blue Peter, Rough Trade).

The Finale of Two and a Half Men

I don’t think it could end any more perfect than this:

It’s culturally relevant, it’s fairly accurate, and it resolves perfectly because Rules of Engagement is on next.

– Bryan

Sheridan Fashion… Melissa – Textiles

– Steph Martyniuk

Sheridan Fashion… Shekei – Advertising

– Steph Martyniuk

Interning: Pre Mortem

I’m in the final stretch of my internship, and I’m starting to get the itch.  To be honest, the only reason I’ve hung on this long is because I’m a serial abandoner.  There’s something about the final stretch that makes me restless to get onto the next thing.  I was missing two courses from university when I dropped out (I finished two years later).  I dropped out of college with one final semester after I was offered a handful of jobs and an internship.  And if I didn’t have those two priors glaring at me, I’d probably be long gone from my internship.

I enjoyed the experience.  It’s nice to be young and to get to work downtown and be close to the city.  The problem is that I failed to ask the right questions, and I fear that the next generation of interns will follow suit, as few of us have many role models in interning.

I was offered an internship pretty quickly.  It was within the first handful I applied for, and I know a lot of people may have had difficulty, but I was an eager beaver and applied more than six months ahead of the pack.  The memory of summer interns was still fresh in the minds of employers when I came a-knocking.  I dressed for the part, I packaged a professional looking portfolio with my best work, and I familiarized myself with the magazine.

The problem was that I had asked what I could do for them, and not what they could do for me.  I was trying to sell them on giving me an internship rather than figure out if it was right for me.  In retrospect, I should have made sure the internship was tailored to my needs.  I came into it looking for a job and some real world experience.

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Just because it’s reading week…

Doesn’t mean we won’t post a lot of stuff!

There’ll be lots coming up this week and some big things happening, so make sure you check back!

– Bryan

Sheridan Fashion… Marijana – Advertising

– Steph Martyniuk